What would you do if you were so broke that you literally could not afford to eat? Would you turn to a food bank?
For many, a food bank is their only option, no matter how tight their budget is, no matter how careful they are with their money, no matter how hard they work. Although my son and I have never been truly at risk of going hungry, thanks to generous family members, there were times where help from family was the only reason we didn't end up at a food bank.
Many years later, I still vividly remember those dark days, and as a result I have committed to donating to my local food bank (or food closet or food pantry--whichever term you prefer) as often as I can.
I recently donated the following, in addition to many items not pictured--our local food bank takes both perishable and non-perishable food, as well as hygiene and personal care items--
My donation, in the end, filled two large paper grocery bags and included:
- Several cans of soup
- Several cans of beans
- Several cans of vegetabls
- Two full size tubes of toothpaste
- Two razors
- One box of tampons
- Three boxes of breakfast cereal
- Several bars of soap
- Several sample size lotions and soaps
- Dental floss
If you have fruit trees or a garden that produces more than you can possibly consume, consider calling your food bank and asking if they take produce. In Arizona, not only do food banks accept produce, but if you have fruit trees, there are organizations that will come and glean (or harvest) them for you and deliver the excess to the food bank all for FREE!
If YOU are in need of help or feeling despearately broke, please don't bear your burden alone! Check out THESE blog posts for ideas on how to make ends meet, where to turn for help, and more.